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Brand Identity
Brand Guidelines
Brim is a new kind of credit card company: the first in Canada to not be affiliated with a bank. Today, people all over the world are pushing back against a financial system that seems to benefit corporations rather than clients. Brim was created to help people use credit more effectively so they can reach their full potential in life.
The name Brim reflects the spirit of positivity and optimism the brand embodies.
Various Projects
Autograph“When we sign our name, it means something.”
MidlandA Beautiful Fit.
Longo’s Private LabelHigher Standards on Every Shelf.
StaplesThe Working and Learning Company.
MooseheadThe New Moosehead.
EssentialsCheckity, Check, Check, Check, Check.
Longo’sThe Highest Standards Are Family Standards.
The Fox & FiddleThe Traditional Pub Identity Reimagined for Urban Life.
Source for SportsWe Fit Your Game.
Kensington HealthGiving New Meaning to Community Care.
FRIDAYSReinventing the FRIDAYS 360º Customer Experience.
CuratoItaly’s best.
BrimBrim With Potential.
Longo’s Meal KitsCook-in is the New Take-out.
RMRKBLAverage is Over.
Black & McDonaldMake it Right.
MIller 64Light Beer You Can Feel Better About.
Coors PeakCoors Peak, the Naturally Great Beer.
Molson MontréalWhere Good Things Come Together.
Canadian Tire Private LabelCanvas, Frank, OE Plus, Yardworks.
Chartered Accountants of OntarioWe Want Your Brain.
BrandmarksVarious identities.
Christian Hanson
Strategic Direction
& Design ©2025